Another Mild Expression of Some Sort..


I don’t know where to start.

Im feeling it all.

Im happy and always inspired.

Yet…I don’t know how to speak it.

Whether words or penned.

I find it difficult to express my happiness. Mainly because I’m busy living it.

But also, I really don’t know how to hold it, handle it, ride in it, feel from it, walk in it, stare in it, sit in it, or bare it naked.

It’s not that I feel that I don’t deserve it. I do. Especially because as an adult, I’ve earned it. Im just used to being quiet. Whether I’m right or wrong. Its a childhood trauma. And its becoming so annoying. I’ve healed, correct? Yes. So why can’t I just dramatically say that I AM HAPPY.

The happiest I’ve ever been.

I really want to tell you all about it.

And I’m so relieved no one is listening

(By the way, would you, the few, mind if I type ‘LOL’?) Grammatical errors and all.

I’m cased between wanting to connect and wanting to live behind my wall.

I suppose I’ll eventually try to make my mark here.

But on the other end I enjoy us as a secret.

(No pun intended)